#header .description { PADDING-RIGHT: 30px; PADDING-LEFT: 30px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 15px; MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px; FONT: 89% 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase; COLOR: #dff6cc; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LETTER-SPACING: 0.3em; max-width: 750px } |
Let us deal about description
section of Header wrapperthis is area where one describe about his blog,
this is optional
here for header description section ,
padding left,right and bottom 30px,30px,15px respectevely
has been teken ,here padding one can increase or decrease.
now we focus on font size Persentage
this is what way one can increase or decrease,
size for example we declare h2 for description font
but despite declared h2 we are reducing font size to 89%
we can increse it too.
Now we gonna describing all kind of the font familey
which is given below:
arial arial black arial narrow arial unicode ms book antiqua bookman old style calibri cambria cambria math candra century century gothic comic sans ms consolas constantia corbel courier courier new estangelo edessa franklin gothic medium garamond gautami georgia impact latha lucide console LUCIDE SANS UNICODE mangal microsoft sans serif monotype corsiva ms minco ms outlook ms reference sans serif ms sans serif specially mv boli palatino linotype ravvi segoe ui shruti sylfaen tahoma times new roman tribuchet ms tunga verdana |
Now letter-spacing:
in above box letter spacing '0.3em'has been taken
one can increase or decrease its value in 'em'.
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